
The Need for In-Building Wireless Solutions

by | Aug 17, 2021 | Systems Integration

Universal wireless coverage is a service that we have all come to expect. Over the last decade, wireless connectivity has become an essential service – in the same category as electricity and water. As the Internet of Things takes form, our dependency on wireless service will only grow. Future technology rests on the ability to provide high-speed signals and data to mobile devices. 

Buildings and their occupants in every industry can benefit from enhanced wireless connectivity. Dropped calls and interrupted internet service is frustrating, especially to a society expecting a seamless wireless experience. Poor connectivity can also disrupt the delivery of goods and services – ultimately damaging a company’s reputation and bottom line. From healthcare organizations to public institutions, from manufacturing facilities to corporate headquarters and logistics and transportation hubs. Every industry today is only as resilient as the wireless networks it uses. This article will explore some of the best in-building wireless solutions available to organizations looking to optimize connectivity for their operations, employees, and clients.

Cellular DAS 

A cellular distributed antenna system (DAS) is an in-building wireless system that helps boost cellular reception inside a structure. Poor cellular connectivity is a widespread problem inside many buildings and facilities. Most often, disruption is due to the construction material used in buildings. Metal, concrete, and Low-E glass can all reflect cellular and radio signals, resulting in low signal or dropped calls. Additionally, the immense amount of data required by numerous users can drastically slow down or interrupt cellular performance.

Our wireless team can solve this issue by installing a network of small antennas to function as cellular signal repeaters. These antennas are physically linked to a central control module that integrates with the wireless carrier’s network, thus delivering seamless coverage. A cellular DAS will help you maximize your facility’s user comfort, operational efficiency, and revenue potential by providing uninterrupted signal- a must-have in today’s world. 

Private LTE

Private LTE is a cellular network much like that of those maintained by large telecommunications providers. The difference is that Private LTE is independent of large provider networks, outfitted on a much smaller scale, and implemented for a particular localized area. Like large LTE networks, Private LTE networks are engineered to support the connectivity of a unique organization’s mission-critical needs. The organization can optimize the network to bolster applications that require low latency and independence from the possibly overcrowded and inconsistent public wireless spectrum. The control and customization in implementing a Private LTE network make it ideal for a wide range of business environments— office buildings, healthcare facilities, education centers, arenas, airports, factories, and public transportation. Private LTE is the most robust and economical wireless solution to offer scalability and security for critical infrastructure.

4G/5G Small Cells

Small cells are wireless transmitters and receivers designed to provide network coverage to smaller, specific areas. These low-powered radio access nodes increase signal range and capacity in densely populated areas. The advantage of small cell networks for indoor applications includes enhanced coverage, a minimal footprint, reasonable pricing, and outstanding flexibility. While tall, high-powered “macro” towers keep the network signal strong across long distances, small cells excel at boosting coverage in densely populated environments like cities. Ultimately, small cell technology improves the cellular experience for end-users in areas where devices might otherwise compete for bandwidth by enhancing coverage and data transfer speeds. Additionally, small cells extend the battery life of devices by reducing power draw.

Job Site CBRS

Reliable communication is an absolute necessity for construction job sites. A CBRS based wireless network from Miller Electric ensures that secure communications and networking with internet capability will flow uninterrupted and help jobs finish on time and under budget. Our wireless solutions professionals have the experience and skill needed to help businesses and organizations design and implement the best video, voice, and data connectivity solutions for on-site labor environments. 

ERCES (Public Safety DAS):

An Emergency Radio Communication Enhancement System (ERCES) is a two-way radio signal booster used to enhance the radio frequency bands used by first responders and safety professionals. The ERCES, also known as a Public Safety DAS, uses Bi-directional amplifier (BDA) technology to enhance two-way radio service via an antenna system. This system guarantees that our first responders can maintain reliable wireless communications within a structure during fires, natural disasters, and other life-threatening situations.

The need for better emergency communications became apparent during the terrorist attack of 9/11. During the tragedy, police officers and firefighters had great difficulty communicating with their team members inside the World Trade Center. This tragedy prompted changes to the NFPA and IFC building codes, which significantly improved first responder wireless communications. Many states (such as Florida) have adopted these codes and passed ordinances mandating enhanced in-building coverage for first responders. Every new building must meet a minimum level of emergency communication reliability. Many jurisdictions require existing structures to undergo testing to determine if an ERCES is needed. To help our clients meet various state ERCES requirements, we offer end-to-end solutions that will satisfy the NFPA and IFC codes by providing:

  1. Communication with AHJs
  2. RF Design
  3. Permitting
  4. Installation & Testing
  5. Commissioning with AHJs

No matter what industry you are in or what organization you represent, the people you serve have come to rely on and expect robust wireless connectivity. A wireless solution from Miller Electric can solve poor coverage issues and guarantee stable connectivity – improving productivity, efficiency, and safety. Choosing us as your trusted solutions partner will guarantee that your facility provides occupants with an optimal, carrier-grade in-building wireless experience.

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