Page 10 - MECO | Winter 2016
P. 10
a Message froM PresidenT david long
When Choosing a Career Trade School vs. College, Which is the Better Choice?
As we embark upon one of the largest labor shortages in recent US History, it is important to understand why at Miller Electric
Company, we invest heavily in the education of our employees; it is because we are helping to develop talent for our customers, our
industry, and our families. Technology is advancing every year in every area of our industry, therefore in order for Miller Electric to keep
up with the rapid pace, we must invest in each employee to advance them professionally and personally.
With that thought in mind, a common debate always seems to come to the forefront: trade school vs. college. Attending a traditional
degree institution seems like an obvious choice and many of our folks are very successful here at our company with a traditional
degree program. Then there are the trade school programs such as the NECA/IBEW Electrical Training Alliance Programs from around
the country, where hundreds of our men and women attend four or five years to earn a Journeyman Trade Certificate, which is at the
very core of our company.
There are many pros and cons to support either position, no matter who, what, or when for each person’s career. All have made Miller
Electric a very successful organization for almost 90 years. To each, I applaud their personal achievements and thank all of them for
their contribution to the success of our company. However, I have some great news. Here at Miller Electric, it is possible to have both.
I am pleased to announce that we now have an articulation agreement with Florida State College of Jacksonville (FSCJ) which will
allow all our men and women who have or who are currently enrolled in our Electrical Training Program, the ability to also graduate
with an Associate of Science Degree in Industrial Management. This degree program will allow them to advance their personal careers,
which will help us as an organization professionally.
The two proudest moments in my career occurred in June 1981 when I graduated from the Jacksonville Electrical Training Program,
and then when I graduated with a Business Degree from NSU. Both have provided me with personal growth and advancement which
has led to benefitting myself and my family for many years. So to all of you at Miller that would benefit from this program, I encourage
you to really consider this opportunity because as Nelson Mandela said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to
change the world.” I believe he was right.
That is why at Miller Electric we invest in education. It will change the world where we live, work, and play.
David Long