Page 18 - MECO | Winter 2016
P. 18
PART 2: Business Intelligence Through Excellence
Mindset and Mission
In the last edition of Connectivity, we asked ourselves what can
we do to “Keep Getting Better”? Sounds simple but not always
so easy. Our overall conclusion was that we must constantly find
ways to challenge ourselves and improve how we do things. This
mindset is at the heart of who we are: to improve relationships
and provide our clients with the value they truly need to be
successful. To help enable this mindset, we introduced Operation, which represents a common framework to drive
Total Excellence Across Miller.
Excellence Mission
Through trust and teamwork we will enable and empower our employees across the entire
organization. We will create a mindset firmly rooted in continuous improvement, collaboration,
& business intelligence. We will establish strong alignment between our Vision, Mission,
Strategy, and Values to drive Excellence in all we do.