Page 21 - MECO | Winter 2016
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where current employees as well as future employees will benefit.

        This wellness initiative is yet another way of doing “the right

        thing”. The hope is not only to inspire our current employees to   Office Wellness

        keep getting better by considering their well being a top priority,

        but also to move Miller Electric Company toward the future with

        regard to employee’s expectations of the workplace, changes in         Initiatives

        legislation which drive increased health costs, and to attract new

        talent as the company grows.

        While we can not do anything about the market trend for

        healthcare premiums, we can most certainly become better

        educated about leading a healthy lifestyle which will in turn have a

        positive effect on our usage.                                           » Annual Health Fair

        Recently, at a Wellness Leadership meeting, the CEO of

        Guidewell Patrick Geraghty, spoke of the the future of our

        healthcare system. Mr. Geraghty believes, as do I, that the             » Healthy Vending Machine

        healthcare industry must use every source and option possible

        in order achieve the goals that are now and will be legislated to

        us. What does that mean? That means that if everyone is to have

        health insurance, individuals will have to take an active stance

        in their own wellness. It means that utilizing resources other          » Biometric Screening

        than the traditional doctor’s office visit for minor illnesses will be

        essential to cost effectiveness and timeliness of service. It means

        that we will have the power as consumers (yes, unfortunately it

        is a business) to leverage our knowledge and approach our own           » On-site Mammograms

        health so that we become more integrated in shaping the future of


        The Right Tools for a Healthier Future                                  » On-site Chair Massages

        With just a few thoughtful and deliberate actions and benefits in

        place I believe that we are on the right path to embrace the future

        healthcare environment. We have a Corporate Wellness Initiative

        started where we have the necessary framework in place to plan

        and participate, we will have access to the educational materials,      » Ergonomic Assessments

        and most importantly, the support from our management team so

        that we can make the best choices for our own well being.  We

        also have Teladoc, a time and money saving health resource that

        uses telephone and videoconferencing technology to provide              » Discounted Gym

        on-demand remote medical care via mobile devices, the internet,

        video and phone. Our Health Reimbursement Arrangement                  Membership

        (HRA) has been beneficial to many of our employees. Miller

        Electric Company will make contributions to offset your in-network

        deductible expenses after you meet half of your out-of-pocket

        deductible. Another money saving benefit that we have access to         » Access to delivery of fresh

        is the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) where you can make pre-         local fruits, vegetables, and

        tax contributions to pay for qualified medical expenses. However

        grand or small these actions are, by participating our employees       meats

        are challenged everyday to make an investment in their well-being

        that all stems from our team culture of getting better.

        Lisa Holland

        Wellness Coordinator

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